New York - Los Angeles Caribbean
Mon - Fri : 09:00am - 6:00pm

Creative Focus Bootcamp Zoom

646 907 9377
Mon - Fri : 09:00am - 6:00pm

Creative Focus Bootcamp Zoom


Enhance and reclaim your FOCUS with Delano’s Creative Bootcamp (Sep 18th – 19th on Zoom) – $1,597

SKU: 11-1-1-2-2-1 Categories: , , Tags: , Product ID: 1639


Remember being told to “focus” without a clue on how to actually do it? If you’re tired of feeling pulled in a million directions, the Creative FOCUS Bootcamp by Delano is your compass to clarity. This intensive program targets the barriers that disrupt your creative flow. Delano identifies the seven key culprits:

1. Information Pollution
2. Choice Overload
3. Low Concentration Intelligence
4. Shiny Object Syndrome
5. The Myth of Multitasking
6. Creative & Decision Fatigue
7. Failure to Finish

Every problem has a solution, and your scattered focus is no exception. Sadhguru rightly says that tools are essential for solutions. Delano unveils the toolbox to conquer each obstacle – from managing distractions to shedding unproductive habits. Knowledge here isn’t just power; it’s the force that propels you toward pinpointed focus.

Live Sessions Include:

*Session 01:*

Sharpen Concentration: Engage in cognition exercises that boost your focus.
Habit Revolution: Reshape your subconscious routines for creative clarity.
Nurturing Brilliance: Tap into million-dollar ideas and hidden talents.

*Session 02:*

Creative Cycles: Understand the ebbs and flows of your creative seasons.
Banishing Self-Sabotage: Eliminate habits that hinder your progress.
Mastering the Avalanche: Tackle a barrage of ideas with ease.

*Session 03:*

Sleep’s Creative Power: Harness the potential of quality sleep for enhanced focus.
Sonic Influence: Leverage audio suggestions to supercharge your mindset.
Mood-Boosting Motivation: Techniques to uplift your spirits and ignite your drive.
Bonus Module:
Activate your 30-day guarantee by participating in the group accountability program. Commit to your growth and witness the transformation firsthand. Prepare for the positive shifts that await you after completing this Bootcamp.

Are You Ready to Reclaim Your Focus?

Invest in your creative journey today and join the Creative FOCUS Bootcamp. Let Delano guide you toward the clarity and laser-sharp attention your creative pursuits deserve.

Secure Your Spot Now:

Reserve Your Seat – $1,597.00